The Reconciliation of Cognitive Dissonance Among Social Workers in Substance Use Treatment Settings ProQuest

Cognitive dissonance can often have a powerful influence on our behaviors and actions. It doesn’t just influence how you feel—it also motivates you to take action to reduce feelings of discomfort. However the $1 reward was not sufficient justification, so the participants in that condition had cognitive dissonance. To resolve this dissonance, they changed their attitudes to match their behavior and told the next “participant” that the experiment was actually worthwhile.

Because people want to avoid this discomfort, cognitive dissonance can have a wide range of effects. Dissonance can play a role in how people act, think, and make decisions. They may engage in behaviors or adopt attitudes to help relieve the discomfort caused by the conflict. Growing up, I never thought I would be addicted to drugs, but addiction is so powerful that it became a central part of my identity. The first step towards resolving that uncomfortable feeling of cognitive dissonance. Building a solid support system of new friends who didn’t use helped me find that.

Category: Sober living

People with addiction tend to feel alone, and the one thing that makes them feel whole is to drink and take drugs. Little do they know, overdose, coma, seizures, and death occur before finally deciding to get help. So when an addict is using they usually only have one desire and motivation, to keep using. In an attempt to insinuate damage control, we come up with excuses to justify our desired choices.

What is the best therapy for cognitive dissonance?

Thus, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is especially useful to overcome cognitive dissonance related to negative feelings. CBT relies on the assumption that thoughts create feelings, and feelings influence behavior.

If any of this sounds familiar, here are some suggestions to help you navigate your relationship with alcohol or bring it to an end. According to the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, more than 14 million American adults suffer from alcohol use disorder (A.U.D.), which is a term medical professionals prefer to alcoholism. Right now, in the US, a debate is raging over the effectiveness of AA, largely inspired by Obamacare (the Affordable Health Care Act) and its implications for the funding of a “spiritual” remedy for alcoholism and addiction. This in a nation where church and state are constitutionally separated, yet the overwhelming majority of rehabs use 12-step methods. It’s generally, though quite simplistically, understood that before you start AA you need to hit rock bottom. Most people with a drinking problem have moments where they wake up and think to themselves, “I’m never doing that again.” I’d had hundreds of them.

Addiction and Cognitive Dissonance

Because justifications give people the impression that they made a careful decision. When faced with temptation, or problematic desires, we need to learn how to rationally dispute our distorted reasoning, and all the self judgments that follow. After all, it takes only a single moment of weakness during a high-risk situation for a recovering addict to reconsider drug use and relapse.

Many people watch their family consume alcohol and have a joyous time, and others spend college years having the time of their life with friends at parties getting drunk. The belief “alcohol makes me happy” could feel like an unchallengeable fact. Luckily, a belief is a belief, and as it’s true for any belief, there is always room for challenge and expansion. This method of attitude change can work in all types of real-world settings because people want to avoid feeling contradictions between two attitudes or between their attitudes and behavior. This involves adding a greater number of consonant beliefs than dissonant beliefs.

Clear out the alcohol.

People attempt to relieve this tension in different ways, such as by rejecting, explaining away, or avoiding new information. That is, there is mental discord related to a contradiction between one thought and another . The clashing cognitions may include ideas, beliefs, or the knowledge that one has behaved in a certain way. I first started noticing symptoms of my mental illness when I was in third grade. It took me five years to get a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder, ADHD, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

We also conducted representativeness checks comparing these demographics to data available from Oxford House, Inc. As voluntary organizations, members are generally not financially compensated for their work, so members likely rely on motivators other than employment to contribute. Although there is sparse empirical knowledge about mechanisms for voluntary helping behaviors, research suggests such behavior is critical for survival of these groups. For example, committed leaders and member helping behaviors have been found to be essential to the continuance and success of mutual-help groups (King, Stewart, King, & Law, 2000; Wituk, Shepherd, Warren, & Meissen, 2002).

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